Each incident has a mutable status associated with it. Incidents are organized and managed by their status. Only after an incident is closed can it be exported and deleted.
Incident Statuses
- Open: An unresolved incident. This is the initial status of an incident.
- Closed by User: An incident that has been closed by a user action using the Nevelex Labs Security Flow UI.
- Closed by Flow: An incident which is automatically closed by a NL Incident Set Status node.
- Waiting: An incident's messages is waiting (pending) a user decision at a NL Waiter (waiter) node.
- Waiting Failure: When a waiter node is deleted, pending waiting incidents will move to waiting failure.
Incident Status Transition Diagram
The following status transitions diagram and table show the life cycle of incidents from initial reporting through final disposition.

Incident Status Transition Table
Starting Status | Destination Status | Transition Reason |
Start | Open | Message enters any Nevelex Labs node. |
Open | Waiting | Message enters any Nevelex Labs Waiter node. |
Open | Closed by Flow | Message enters a NL Incident Set Status node which is configured to change the status to Closed by Flow. |
Open | Closed by User | User closes the incident via the Nevelex Labs Security Flow UI. |
Waiting | Open | User selects the primary or secondary path for the Nevelex Labs Waiter node to traverse. |
Waiting | Waiting Failure (node deleted) | User deletes a Nevelex Labs Waiter node with pending incidents. Once the flow is deployed, the status transition occurs. |
Waiting Failure (node deleted) | Closed by User | User closes the incident via the Nevelex Labs Security Flow UI. |
Closed by Flow | Open |
Closed by Flow | End | User exports and deletes the incident from the database. |
Closed by User | Open |
Closed by User | End | User exports and deletes the incident from the database. |
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