The Security Flow Infoblox Plugin provides Infoblox DDI functionality for management of Response Policy Zones to block domains and IP addresses and retrieval of DHCP lease information.
This plugin supports operations, which allow one to:
- Retrieve RPZ entries
- Block a domain via a RPZ
- Unblock a domain via a RPZ
- Block an IP Address via a RPZ
- Unblock an IP Address via a RPZ
- Retrieve DHCP lease information
- Retrieve DHCP lease information for an IP address
Instance Configuration Parameters
Name for Infoblox instance.
A system-wide unique identifier for this plugin instance used to locate the service.
Infoblox server IP address or host name.
Port number Infoblox is running on; typically this will be port 443.
Valid username for the Infoblox server.
Valid password for the username on the Infoblox server.
Confirmation password for the username on the Infoblox server.
Infoblox WAPI version number for the RESTful web API. Do not include the v
The default Response Policy Zone, RPZ, modified by direct requests and broadcast requests.
The default behavior for RPZ entries added by direct requests and broadcast requests. The options are as follows:
- Block (No Data)
- Block (No Such Domain)
Optional field containing the name of the Extensible Attribute, with a type of String, to assign the Security Flow Incident number. This setting is used for both direct requests and broadcast requests. If left blank, no Extensible Attribute is set.
Listen for Domain Block broadcast events.
Listen for Domain Unblock broadcast events.
Listen for IP Block broadcast events.
Listen for IP Unblock broadcast events.
Flow Nodes
The display name of the node within the flows.
System-wide unique ID of the plugin instance.
Configuration option determining the type of Infoblox WAPI calls to make:
- Get RPZ Entries – Retrieve all records in the Plugin Instance’s RPZ.
- Block Within – Dynamically search in the message and perform block operations based on the IoC type found.
- Unblock Within – Dynamically search in the message and perform unblock operations based on the IoC type found.
- Block Domain – Add a domain to the the Plugin Instance’s RPZ.
- Block URL – Add a domain, obtained from the URL, to the the Plugin Instance’s RPZ.
- Block IP – Add an IP Address to the the Plugin Instance’s RPZ.
- Unblock Domain – Remove a domain from the the Plugin Instance’s RPZ.
- Unblock URL – Remove a domain, obtained from the URL, from the the Plugin Instance’s RPZ.
- Get Lease Information – Retrieve current DHCP lease information from Infoblox.
- Get IP Lease Information – Retrieve current DHCP lease information from Infoblox for a specific IP address.
These fields define the location from a constant, message, flow, global, or JavaScript expression to use as the data source for the operation.
When an Action
of Get RPZ Entries
or Get Lease Information
is selected, this field is used to limit the total number of results returned.
Learn More
Configuring Infoblox
The Configuring Infoblox page shows the steps necessary to configure Infoblox for use with Security Flow. Watch the following video to quickly learn how to configure Infoblox, configure an Infoblox DDI Plugin Instance, and add entries to a RPZ using a basic flow.
JSON Message Format
The following samples show the JSON content added to the message payload, which conforms to Node Messaging Format. The content exists within the infoblox object. The following examples use infoblox1
for the Unique Id of the plugin:
Get RPZ Entries and Get Lease Information Success
The italicized, green text is inserted into the message payload upon a successful request.
"payload": {
"infoblox1": {
"response": {
"result": [{
Other Operations Success
The italicized, green text is inserted into the message payload upon a successful request.
"payload": {
"infoblox1": {
"response": {
"_ref": "allrpzrecords/ZG5zLnpvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2luZGV4JGRucy5iaW5kX2NuYW1lJC5fZGVmYXVsdC5zZWN1cml0eWZsb3cuY29tLmJhZGRvbWFpbg:baddomain.com",
"name": "baddomain.com",
"view": "default",
"rpz_rule": "BlockNoDataDomain"
The italicized, maroon text is inserted into the message payload upon a failed request.
"payload": {
"infoblox": {
"infoblox1": {
"error": {
"error_code": 5,
"error_message": "Error text"
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