Security Flow Metadata
The Security Flow Metadata contains information about the message traversing the flow. The table below lists the available data and how it gets added into the root of a message at__sfMeta__
All messages will contain two additional fields outside of the
object that are automatically added by any Security Flow node which requires an Incident to exist.
- The date and time when the message has entered the Security Flow node.timestampCreated
- The date and time when the message entered the first Security Flow node.
Pathway | Description |
aggregation | Added to the metadata by any node which performs aggregation, such as the NL-Incident-Aggregate node. An object representing the aggregation information:
{ aggregatingBy:{ id:[node id], name:[node name] }, similarity:[number], performed:[true/false], reopened:[true/false] } |
category | The category assigned by the NL-Incident-Set-Category node. This is set when the NL-Incident-Set-Category is used to set a category. |
contentType | Added by the NL-Email-Attachments-Processor node. The file's content/MIME type. A shortcut to [msg.__sfMeta__.incidentId].[msg._msgid].contentType . |
fileName | Added by the NL-Email-Attachments-Processor node. The name of the attached file. A shortcut to [msg.__sfMeta__.incidentId].[msg._msgid].fileName . |
flowId | The ID of the flow containing the Security Flow node. This is automatically added by any Security Flow node which requires an Incident to exist. |
flowName | The name of the flow containing the Security Flow node. This is automatically added by any Security Flow node which requires an Incident to exist. |
incidentId | Automatically added by any Security Flow node which requires an Incident to exist. |
lastWaiterAudit | Added by the NL-Waiter node. Contains information on the selected pathway of the last waiter node traversed by the message in the flow.
{ lastWaiterAudit: { incidentId: [Incident ID number], url: [URL to the incident timeline], flowId: [ID of the flow containing the NL-Waiter node], flowName: [Name of the flow containing the NL-Waiter node], nodeId: [ID of the NL-Waiter node], nodeName: [Name of the NL-Waiter node], timestamp: [Time stamp of when the user selected the pathway], username: [The username of the user who made the selection], email: [The email of the user who made the selection], firstName: [The first name of the user who made the selection, if available], lastName: [The last name of the user who made the selection, if available], pathway: [The label of the selected pathway], note: [The note the user made when selecting the pathway], entryId: [The unique identifier of the pending action], } } |
url | Added to the metadata by the Incident Get Timeline URL node. |
waiterAudits | Added by the NL-Waiter node. Contains a history of pathways selected by each waiter node.
{ waiterAudits: [ { incidentId: [Incident ID number], url: [URL to the incident timeline], flowId: [ID of the flow containing the NL-Waiter node], flowName: [Name of the flow containing the NL-Waiter node], nodeId: [ID of the NL-Waiter node], nodeName: [Name of the NL-Waiter node], timestamp: [Time stamp of when the user selected the pathway], username: [The username of the user who made the selection], email: [The email of the user who made the selection], firstName: [The first name of the user who made the selection, if available], lastName: [The last name of the user who made the selection, if available], pathway: [The label of the selected pathway], note: [The note the user made when selecting the pathway], entryId: [The unique identifier of the pending action], } ... Zero or more waiter audit entries ] } |
[msg.__sfMeta__.incidentId] | Added by the NL-Email-Attachments-Processor node. The notation of [msg.__sfMeta__.incidentId] indicates the value of the incidentId field is used as the key into the __sfMeta__ metadata. The value is set to an object containing the following information:
{ [msg._msgid]: { fileName: [file name], length: [file size], checksum: [MD5 checksum], md5: [MD5 Hash], sha1: [SHA-1 Hash], sha256: [SHA-256 Hash], contentType: [content type], } } |
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