Using the Create/Edit Users Screen

Create/Edit Users Screen

To use this page a user must have Manage User permissions. See the User Roles and Permissions screen for more information. When the system has been configured to use an LDAP server or Single Sign-On (SSO) for user authentication, users can not be created. If the user is locally defined, all fields remain editable. For externally managed LDAP or SSO users, the active state, super-user state, and roles are manageable.

User Information

The following table lists the information required to create or edit a user entry.


User Personal Information
First Name
The user's first name.

Last Name
The user's last name.

User Settings
Email address

User's password

Confirm Password
Must match password entered in previous line.

Super User
Select whether user has super user privilege by selecting Yes or No.

Active User
Select whether user is active or not by selecting Yes or No.

User Roles
Each defined role is listed.
Select whether user should have the permissions defined for each of the listed roles by selecting Yes or No.

After making the desired settings click Create at the lower right-hand side of the screen to add the user, or Cancel to abort. Either choice will return you to the Manage Users screen.

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